Paper editions
The paper publications of Editions PARALIA propose a large choice of scientific and technical documents related to coastal and civil engineering.
The contents of the documents must be varied and accessible to everybody. Three types of publications are avaliable:
- The annual paper edition of the international coastal engineering polyglot journal, Revue Paralia (red headband), for researchers, engineers and students. It is a journal addressed to French and non French-speaking communities of this scientific domain.
- The proceedings of the JNGCGC meetings (blue headband) relative to the biannual "Journées Nationales de Génie Côtier et Génie Civil". This event brings together the coastal engineering community: planners, engineers, researchers, environmentalists, contractors,…, and includes participations from abroad.
- Other publications (green headband) supply the bases of knowledge useful to any researcher or engineer and encompass recent advances in coastal engineering. These types of books can take different forms: proceedings, book, monograph, technical report, map, etc.
The contents of the documents must be varied and accessible to everybody. Three types of publications are avaliable:
- The annual paper edition of the international coastal engineering polyglot journal, Revue Paralia (red headband), for researchers, engineers and students. It is a journal addressed to French and non French-speaking communities of this scientific domain.
- The proceedings of the JNGCGC meetings (blue headband) relative to the biannual "Journées Nationales de Génie Côtier et Génie Civil". This event brings together the coastal engineering community: planners, engineers, researchers, environmentalists, contractors,…, and includes participations from abroad.
- Other publications (green headband) supply the bases of knowledge useful to any researcher or engineer and encompass recent advances in coastal engineering. These types of books can take different forms: proceedings, book, monograph, technical report, map, etc.
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Revue Paralia
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Modèle d'article en Français
Paper model in English
Modelo de artículo en Español
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Instructions aux auteurs
Submission Guidelines
Instrucciones para los autores
Modèle d'article en Français
Paper model in English
Modelo de artículo en Español
Ces consignes sont aussi disponibles en format pdf :
Instructions aux auteurs
Submission Guidelines
Instrucciones para los autores